Is it "yes" or "no"?

I need your input. Should I carry these adorable french flatware sets? I think they’re fabulous, but I want to know your opinion, ’cause apparently I sometimes think I’m way too fabulous, and I need a reality check (hmph…at least that’s what Mark says, but I don’t believe him…I really am that fabulous).

It comes in a WIDE variety of patterns and colors and it’s just so darn happy! But don’t let me sway you…if you don’t like ’em, let me know. I won’t hold a grudge…for very long.

product sighting…

I love it when I spot one of the products I carry on the pages of shelter magazines. My latest sighting was in Canadian House & Home’s blog post on modern cottages. It’s the Ibiza white cutout metal lanterns on the table in this lovely cottage. House & Home is one of my favorite magazines!

photo courtesy Canadian House & Home

Where's Nicole Jane Home now?

I’ve got the best customers in the world (these folks just happen to be good friends too). Trevor and Paula sent me this photo of one of our delivery boxes. They took it all the way to Snow Valley, St George, Utah on a climbing trip (imagine that). It inspired me to set up a contest for cool photos of Nicole Jane Home boxes.

So if you order something from Nicole Jane Home, don’t just get rid of those boxes. You might just win the gift card! I’m going to use a panel of judges to vote on the most creative photo, which will be published on, Twitter and this blog. Here’s the fine print: All images will remain the property of Nicole Jane Home. Remember, you have to be at least 18 years old and live in the U.S. or Canada. Good luck.

table magic…

You know the old saying, “Doctor, heal thyself.”? Well, I think I’ve got a case of talking and not doing. I sit in my office chair and write my little blog posts about la belle vie, but I’m don’t take my own bossy advice.

If you walked into my bedroom, you would alternate between laughing and crying. It’s a cacophony of styles, furniture, and junk. So, this weekend, I’m puttin’ my money where my mouth is and beginning a mission to transform my sad sanctuary (shhhh…nobody tell Mark…he’s afraid of falling off his wallet…love you, honey).

I know, I know, I always recommend starting your design project with fabrics, but I’m breaking that rule. I’m starting with my bedside tables, because, frankly, they’re flat out annoying. The orange stain on the wood is uuuuugly, and the pulls are, well, let’s just say it…STUPID!

So I’m starting to look for the color that I want to paint the tables. I love the look of this Pottery Barn bedroom (blues & reds together are just wonderful).

photo courtesy Benjamin Moore

Benjamin Moore color "Constellation

I’m really drawn to this room too.

photo courtesy Benjamin Moore

Benjamin Moore color Wegewood Gray

I’m really drawn to this robin’s egg blue too!

Benjamin Moore color "Robin's Egg"

I’ll keep you posted…cross your fingers for me!

Who's Nicole Jane?…

Well I’m sure she’s a lovely person, but she’s not me. She’s my company’s name. After months of writing this blog, I just realized that there isn’t any place to find out who I am or what my name is. Bad blogger! Bad blogger! Must talk to my tech team and get that sorted out.

My name is Jennifer Findlay, and I own Nicole Jane Home. My daughter’s name is Jane and we share the middle name, Nicole. I think I might have made a mistake naming the business, though, ’cause everyone–and I mean everyone–calls me Nicole. Even my girlfriends think it is riotously funny to say, “Hi Nicole…” when they call me.

Not that I mind being called Nicole, it’s just that I really think that people like to know who they’re talking to (whether it’s email, blogs, Twitter, etc.), and they want the straight goods on your name.

I’m a middle-aged decor fanatic and I started my business two years ago, because I thought Canada needed a good source online (we really didn’t have much going online at that time…we’re getting there). Little did I know that my American friends would make up 90% of my business (consider yourself wrapped in a big ‘ol Canadian bear hug).

I’m married to an arm-chair comedien, Mark, and we have two great kids–Sam & Jane. I try not to write too much stuff about the kids, ’cause they get really cheesed, and the internet is still such a wide-open arena–you get my drift.

If you asked me what a blog was eight months ago, I would have said, “…a muddy hole in a swamp?” If you asked me what Twitter was eight months ago, I would have said, “…is that the guy who always cuts me off at the cross-walk?” At least I knew what Faceboook is, but I don’t go on it much now that they got rid of Scrabulous–bastards!

If you’re sick of my rants, blame my husband…yeah, the hilarious guy! He dragged me kicking and screaming into the world of technology and made me sit in my desk chair and learn all about it. I could just kiss him for that, but I won’t ’cause I kissed him yesterday, and that’s enough for one week!

I’m having a blast getting to know the blogging and Twittering worlds out there. So far, my experience has been so positive and it just reinforces what I’ve always thought–we’re all the same out there, and we’re really interested in each other. For those of you who haven’t tried Twitter yet–do it. It’s much more instantaneous, and it’s fascinating. You can follow me on Twitter @nicolejanehome.

Weight Watchers, donuts, the Eagles, Le Crueset…

What do they all have in common? ME! This is just so typical of me that it’s ridiculous. Last week I joined Weight Watchers ‘CAUSE IT’S TIME, BABY!!! I guess I figured the 15th time around is the lucky one!

So I pay my dues, read the literature, drink a glass of wine and promptly decide to make homemade donuts. (“But my blog followers are depending on me to make donuts, Mark!”)

Due to my poorly conceived plan, the universe promptly paid me back by planting a virus in my boyfriend, Timothy B. Schmidt, of the Eagles, and their concert was canceled.

photo courtesy Timothy B. Schmidt's website

That’s right…I had tickets to that concert! Now where am I going to wear my new sequined tube top? How am I going to hook up with Tim, now? His tour keeps him really busy, so we never get to see each other! (Yeah…sure…that’s me with a blonde wig…now you can see why I need WW’s)

courtesy Patricia Field

Oh…don’t cry for me my friends. It didn’t take long to compensate. I promptly justified spending the ticket money on a ridiculously expensive Le Crueset Dutch oven. Hey…if you’re frying donuts and getting over a man, you have to have a fancy shmancy pot!

Yeah, yeah…I know…I’m married to a saint! But just so ya know, I did make it clear to Mark–a long time ago–that if Timothy, or Sting, for that matter, comes to the door looking for me, I’m outta here! He seems oddly okay with that.

So I went to The Pioneer Woman and followed Ree Drummond’s recipe–Homemade Glazed Doughnuts–with a fine-toothed comb. I’ve gotta say, there is something just so satisfying about dropping rings of dough into hot oil–what’s that all about? For my first attempt at donuts, they weren’t too bad, but I would add more sugar and salt to the batter next time.

My extended family gathered at our house for a BBQ (my shattered sister flew down to Vancouver just to see said Eagles) just in time to smell the divine scent of freshly glazed donuts! And yes, my son’s possee of longboarding punks did show up to shovel down some donuts.

Hey, Timothy. When we’re hungry, donuts–not love–will keep us alive. Check your call display and hit reply!

grazie molto…

If you speak Italian, you’ll know I’m very grateful. It was a good week for Nicole Jane Home, and we were lucky enough to be posted on two blogs. Yippeeee!!! The first blog, Think Shabby, is beautiful, but I can’t understand a word ’cause it’s in Italian. Well worth a look, though–the photos are gorgeous and it’s all about Shabby Chic, which I love!

The second blog,, is authored by Janet Reynolds in New York. She blogs about “filling your home with the right things”–amen! Janet graciously covered our 60% cushion sale. What the heck…here’s a big Grazie Molto, Janet!


My lucky family is going to be devouring some homemade doughnuts this weekend! I was just snooping around one of my FAVORITE blogs, The Pioneer Woman, and I came across a lesson on making doughnuts. Ree, the pioneer woman herself, photographed each step in the process, and makes it look so easy. So I’m going to make a big batch this weekend and see just how easy it is.

photo courtesy The Pioneer Woman

I’m always thinking of ways to keep my kids coming through the back door with all their friends, and I think this might just do the trick. Hey…I’m not above using trickery. As any clever mother will tell you, it’s a war out there, and we have to use all our powers to stay one step ahead of our little punks…er…adorable children.

I’ll let you know how they work out!

nail polish passion…

I’m so excited about the nail polish I just found in a salon. This is the only photo I could find, and it doesn’t do it justice. I LOVE it on my toe nails, but I would never wear it on my finger nails. I’m like a crow distracted by anything shiny!!!

It looks like each nail is wearing gorgeous little lame (pronounced lam-ay, not lame) dress! It would look fabulous on a beautiful bride’s toes nails. It’s called Dollhouse by China Glaze, and I’m not sure if it’s from this season or not.

Now I want to find a pair of sandals or flip flops to match my smashing polish!

UPDATE (MAY 17, 2010): My toenails were painted light pink and I applied the sparkles five days ago. They still look just as good as the first day!!!


looking for the pretty things in life


a creative blend of gardening, grilling, photography & design

The Amazing Grace Project

A G Portraits By Donna Jones


Food, Photography & Joie de Vivre

Where's my backpack?

Romancing the planet; a love affair with travel.

Dormouse Tidings

My travel blog


Walk and Bike in France and Europe

the paper kind

creative living

domestic diva, M.D.

my mother raised the perfect housewife...then I went to med school

Colored Brush

adventures in contemporary art


The paranoid ramblings of a neurotic twenty-something

Sue Bryce

the caffeine-induced musings of Jennifer Findlay

Rob Moses Photography

This Camera Life

Pretty Forum

the caffeine-induced musings of Jennifer Findlay

Click Community Blog: Helping you take better pictures one day at a time

the caffeine-induced musings of Jennifer Findlay


wtf4?~ it's all about a girl and her camera and that golden light

Kinh Nghiệm Leo Núi shutterbean/wrTr

the caffeine-induced musings of Jennifer Findlay

Love that Shot

the caffeine-induced musings of Jennifer Findlay

A small insight

Sharing my life with you x

the caffeine-induced musings of Jennifer Findlay

The Design Pages

the caffeine-induced musings of Jennifer Findlay

Hazy Shades of Me

Mere moments of clarity are all I can promise...