
My day is all about the kids, the dogs, the husband, the laundry, the chores, the mess and my eensy, teensy, slightly-worrying online addiction to social media! I love my family, my friends, coffee, art, photography, painting, bike riding, skiing, singing, dancing, dreaming, scheming, partying, my bed, online shopping, travelling, gardening, cooking, and eating. I hate tepid baths, wheat germ, and lacing up skates!

I named my blog Coffee & Couch because that’s how I roll. Anyone who knows me, will tell you that I can most often be found sitting on my couch with a cup of coffee and my computer–good times. I’m fascinated by the online universe, and this little ol’ blog is just my slice of heaven where my imagination is free to fly.

20 responses

  1. Thanks for popping over and commenting on my blog x You are obviously a very talented photographer and have developed a very inspiring blog to go with it x Thanks for sharing it with us x

  2. Namaste…thank you so much for dropping by and following my blog 🙂 yours looks divine and I look forward to following you too…

  3. Hey Jennifer, Your blog came up in my reader as a “blog I might like.” I was surprised that I was not already following you since you are a regular reader at Everydaygurus. I am grateful for the WordPress new feature that helped me find you. {{{Hugs}}} Kozo

    • Thanks for following Kozo! I do enjoy your blog too. I’ve been a little behind on catching up with my blog reading lately. Spending too much time outside, which is a good thing 🙂

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