new sheets…

I finally splurged on a new set of bed sheets and I’m in LOVE. I popped in to one of my favorite local home decor stores, Housewarmings (I know…I own a home decor store…but I don’t carry bedding!), and picked up a set of the most wonderful white Highland Feather bamboo sheets. I raced home, popped them in the washing machine, and then made my bed. When I jumped…er…gracefully laid down on the bed, it was divine! Bamboo is just soooo soft. I don’t know how well they wear, but for now…perfection. Go get yourself some bamboo!

pink power…

Did anyone see the Grammy’s? Wasn’t Pink‘s performance awesome? Well I think the colour pink is awesome too (wireless technology allows me to actually hear you groaning about that segue…really).

Pink has been unfairly maligned since the crazy 1980’s when everything looked like I was wearing rose-coloured glasses (circa Miami Vice). My sister even built a house that had pink EVERYWHERE…even the floor tiles…good times. I’m not suggesting we go overboard with pink, I just think it’s such a beautiful colour, which flatters every complexion (I should really write a book about designing rooms that accentuate our looks when we’re in them). Used in moderation, I think it’s perfect.

I just had to indulge myself this morning by hunting for some pink, and here are the results. I hope it gives you a little Friday inspiration (yippeeee…I love Fridays…so much promise for the weekend ahead). Put some pink in your life this weekend, even if it’s just the prettiest pink-iced cupcake you can find. Vive la Rose!

I came across a great blog called Shelter, and I just couldn’t resist staring at this photo. The black houndstooth and the peachy pink are such a great combo–and I could swoon over that tufted headboard. What little girl (young or old) wouldn’t want to snuggle into that bed!!!

One of my favourite interior designers, Tobi Fairley, featured this photo on her blog. That pink velvet chair must be mine! Notice how it works with the cool-toned pink wall colour. I once heard that pink is a colour that never clashes with itself–it can be used together in different variations (now that I think about it, can’t any colour be used with itself?). If there are any colour aficionados reading this, please let me know if that’s true or not.

courtesy of Tobi Fairley

Ooh la la. What a gorgeous bed. What a gorgeous carpet. What sumptuous bed linens. That’s it…I’m packing my bags and moving to Paris immediately–Mark, meet me at the airport with the kids and dogs!

photo by Adam Chinitz

How ‘s this for shmexy? I found this image on photographer, Adam Chinitz‘ website. Definitely not my mother’s idea of how a lady is supposed to decorate (don’t worry, she’d get a kick out that comment). I love it!

courtesy of Tobi Fairley

Sigh…now this is just bliss. Somebody pick me up off the floor…I think I just fainted

courtesy of Sarah Klassen's blog Haute Design

The combination of hot pink and silver is striking. Check out Sarah Klassen’s blog Haute Design for more fabulous pink decor.

There. I feel better now that I’ve had my fix of pink. Don’t you?

intriguing designs…

Who wouldn’t have fun swinging in this fabulous chair? It’s featured in one of the projects by interior design firm, Erin Martin Designs.

photo courtesy of Erin Martin Designs

This room reminds me of my bedroom when I was a child. We had an old farmhouse and my  attic bedroom was all cozy window dorms. It was a great room to plan for my certain destiny as a movie star! I listened to a lot of Barbara Streisand in that room.

photo courtesy of Erin Martin Designs

This upholstered headboard really caught my eye.

photo courtesy of Erin Martin Designs

Portland calling…

I have been hearing wonderful things about Portland, Oregon. Art, culture, heritage buildings, cafes, great food, great skiing…sounds like my kinda place. Mark keeps raving about the Timberline Lodge at Mount Hood, so it won’t take much to convince him that we need to take a a road trip with the kids and our skis. I came across a a talented Portland interior designer, Jessica Helgerson, on a wonderful blog called Delight by Design .

I just love this before and after–such a fresh take on a classic bungalow.

Photo courtesy of Jessica Helgerson

At some point in my life, I’m going to have a round table. I just think they encourage lingering over wine and conversation!

photo courtesy of Jessica Helgerson

This photo just makes me want to whip out a yoga mat….er…make that a deck chair.

photo courtesy of Jessica Helgerson

The chaise lounge is just so enticing in this room. The mantel display is wonderful–such an unexpected vignette.

photo courtesy of Jessica Helgerson


Wow. This is a photo of Allie’s new bedroom on vancityallie. She posted a wonderful “before & after” article about her bedroom renovation. Check it out, she has lots of local sources. Don’t you think the mirrored frame and box are perfect on that gorgeous bedside table? I might be a little biased, ’cause she ordered them from Nicole Jane Home.

photo courtesy of vancityallie

truly turquoise…

I think I’m developing a turquoise obsession, and I’m not alone! Erin, at House of Turquoise , thinks enough of the colour to start her own blog about it (Mom…if you’re reading this, I swear, I really do own a business and work every day).

These are just a few of the gorgeous pictures featured on Erin’s blog.

I just love seeing unique colour combinations. If you said to me, “Jennifer, I think you should decorate your living room in pink, turquoise and brown,” in the words of the magnificent Sir Elton John, I’d say, “Step back honky cat!” But it totally works! That’s why, if you’re like me, it’s important to consult a trained professional decorator, who knows how to put things all together.

photo courtesy of Tom McWilliam for Connecticut Cottages & Gardens

Isn’t that wallpaper fantastic? Even after spending what seemed like an eternity peeling old wallpaper off our entryway, I might consider papering again–shudder. I have a large blank wall at the end of a long, rectangular living room that’s been giving me grief since we moved into our house 9 years ago, and I think a dramatic wallpaper might just do the trick. What do you think?

photo courtesy of House to Home

This is just such a great example of combining patterns and colours effectively. It’s from Designer’s Guild, which is an absolutely dreamy British design house that, among other things, creates the most beautiful throw pillows I have ever seen (they’re beyond the price point I try to maintain for Nicole Jane Home, but you never know).

photo courtesy of Designers Guild


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