if only dogs could talk…

DAISY B&W_72dpi

There’s a beautiful soul behind those eyes. Daisy is our Labradoodle…perhaps the only neurotic Labradoodle in all of North America! We love her to bits, but she does crazy stuff like barking at rain puddles when we’re driving and expressing her deep displeasure with a quiet grumbling growl every time we tell her to “Get off the Bed!”. She also has a hate-on for the Wheaton Terrier, who lives across the cul-de-sac and who runs right in to my garden, destroying my lupins to jump up at the window….grrrrrr. I have to confess that my 15-year-old daughter grabbed my camera and shot this picture, and I’m impressed with how well she did.


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This Camera Life

Pretty Forum

the caffeine-induced musings of Jennifer Findlay

Click Community Blog: Helping you take better pictures one day at a time

the caffeine-induced musings of Jennifer Findlay


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the caffeine-induced musings of Jennifer Findlay

Love that Shot

the caffeine-induced musings of Jennifer Findlay

A small insight

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the caffeine-induced musings of Jennifer Findlay

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the caffeine-induced musings of Jennifer Findlay

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